Love You Always,Angel
Angels on Earth are born,like you and me. They don’t show their wings,nor their halos. But they grow ever brighter every moment they are with us.Angels are there when we need to talk. They are there when we need a smile. Angels are there when we need a shoulder to cry on, or if we need a laugh to pick us up. Angels, are among us no matter their appearance. They bring love, warmth, friendship, compassion, laughter, and share their tears with us, in sorrow. They kick us in the butt, if we need it. Angels guide us to the right path, if we can’t see from our own darkness. They share their dreams and stories with us, and lend us an ear if we need to be listened to. Whether they live down the street, or miles away, angels are there for us, no matter the space between us.
*Angels in Heaven... *
Angels leave this Earth,young or old, the same as we, but they never truly leave us. When the time comes for them to spread their wings, is when the Lord takes them to Heaven.We can no longer see them, but we feel the warm light shine from their halos, in our hearts. They still come to us, and comfort us as they see fit. Be it, in dreams, through others’ comfort, in song, and even in story. Angels still move us, and guide us to the right path, even though we can no longer see them through the darkness. They still love us, care for us, are there for us, in spirit, and will always be with us for eternity.
~Goddess Rip